Well we had our first appointment yesterday at Fertility Center Cancun and what a wonderful experience. It started by us being picked up by Sheri of IPF - what a wonderful lady she is - she took us to our appointment. When we got to the clinic we were greeted by Emma who seems to play the role of the office manager - it's amazing to see the cultural difference compared to Canada, I've only ever emailed with all these ladies prior to my arrival and we were greeted with hugs by everyone and made to feel so welcome. Then we met Daniela who is the "head" nurse and seems to be Dr. Gaytan's right hand lady - she took us into our examination room which was comfortably large, there is a sitting area and then you go back a bit and it's the ultrasound area and a big bathroom to change into your gown. I went and got changed and then sat on the examination chair - it was awkward to sit in as your straight up and then it raises and lays you down so you can have the U/S performed and wow do you lay high compared to my u/s in Edmonton - it was surprisingly comfortable. And the technology - WOW - very new compared to the clinic in Edmonton - Dr. Gaytan had his monitor and DH and I had a high def tv to look at the u/s while it was performed - just had a checkup u/s to make sure everything is "quiet" and ready to "endure" the next 10-13 days - and we are good to go! So we started our stim meds last night. We are starting on 225 IUI of Gonal-F and 75 IUI of Menopur.
Dr. Gaytan wow what a doctor - again I've only had email communication with him prior to our arrival and one phone call and when he came in the room what comfort we both felt with him - and he knew his stuff - he actually knew my history!!!!!!! He Knew I had slight OHSS on our previous IVF attempt and my thyroid and PCOS history - so he knows my ovaries need a good "kick start" so I am assuming that is why he gave me both Gonal-F and Menopur - that is one thing I need to ask at my next appointment as I only took Menopur in Edmonton. He performed the u/s and was happy . And that was it! I went to change and DH and Dr. G sat back and chatted about whatever, golf, places to see, eat etc - DH said it was a different and at the same time welcomed.
So we were giving our tutorial on how to give me my shots - needless to say nothing to learn as its the same as what I've done before and then it was all done!
We also did our first "local" experience - we took the local bus to wal-mart to get some things we didn't bring with us - surprisingly easy and it only cost us a dollar each to take which DH thinks we "overpaid" as we used US $$$ as we had no pesos on us.
So now we relax till Saturday when we have our next appointment. We just need these clouds to disappear and see some more sunshine!!
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