Sunday, 2 December 2012

Fifth appointment

Well we had another appointment at the clinic yesterday and wow we're they busy!!! About thirty mins behind, at one point it was standing room only in the waiting area, and wow EVERY single staff person apologized and thanked us for being so patient.

Ran into Dr. G in the hallway and he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek - frick I LOVE this clinic, this is how everyone is!!!! it just makes you feel so welcomed, remembered and comfortable. He knew he was behind and apologized and said he would see me in a bit.

Next we were up! (finally!!) lol

Got changed, hopped (not literally, I'm waaayyyy too tender) onto my chair and in came in Dr. G - well I'm a follicle factory - he figures we have at least thirty- all ranging from 14.0-20.8mm - not quite large enough - so the delay comes. Our retrieval is now bumped to Wednesday, and the plan is to do a five day transfer so that will be on Dec 10, I was kind of expecting this because of the low dose that we have been on. We are ok with this because it's nice that Dr. G was really cautious of not over simulating us, a welcomed changed from our last cycle. He also changed our medication - no more menopur - just the 150IUI of Gonal-f and now we also have added Orgalutron to the mix - so the Gonal-f in the evenings and I take the Orgalutron at noon each day (this medication prevents from the follicles being released) so back for another follow-up on Monday and hopefully our follicles are all of size that we need them to be.

I am hoping they are (our follicles growing that is) - walking and getting up and sitting/laying down is getting pretty painful. My walk has slowed down - DH is a pretty quick walker so I'm definitely slowing him down lol.

We golfed today - I did ok - but I think it's my last time on the course at least until the retrieval is done, so beach days are ahead of me till Wednesday, which we are ok with - maximize our relaxation time before our "big" days coming ahead of us!!!

Until next time! Xo

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