Monday, 22 July 2013

5 weeks to go - getting ready......

Well I must apologize- its been quite a while since I have updated - but time is just going by SOOOO fast!

Things have been going fairly smooth still - the tiredness has definetly returned, but I've also been told I have something called "symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)" it is basically stretching of the ligaments that hold my pubic bone together - it is essentially my birth canal widening preparing for the baby arrival - but boy oh boy it's painful - there are days it's hurts so bad to walk, I feel like I will collapse.
Nothing really seems to help, so I just need to remember to take it easy and not push myself too much.

All in all this has been a great pregnancy - I am almost sad that it is nearing to the end....I thought I would make a list of things that I think I will miss and a list of things I can't wait to do after bambino is born, so here we go


1. Feeling bambino move around in my belly - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this feeling - I wish bambino would move more often, he/she is pretty chill - but it is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced - such an amazing feeling, and one of the things I love most about pregnancy.

2. My belly - I've been lucky (no stretch marks - I hope to God this doesn't jinx me lol) It has been so neat watching my belly grow - I also think its semi-cute hahaah - I always thought I'd BALLLOON when I got pregnant - but I have been again lucky - and think I rock a pretty cute bump hahaha

3. Eating cravings without guilt! I've been pretty good- but when the urge strikes I don't have ANY regret in indulging lol

I think those are the biggest things that come to my mind at first - NOW the things I am looking forward to - I already know this list will be WAY bigger!!!!


 1. MEETING BAMBINO - oh I am so looking forward to this! To finally meet this little person who has been living with me for 9 months - after all our years of anticipation - its almost here!!! A little nerving - it really hits me when I see other newborns - I get an overwhelming thought of OMG I am responsible for that little human in a month - for EVERYTHING he/she will depend on me - food, clothes, cleanliness EVERYTHING - but that's ok -- I am hoping this parenting instinct kick in when bambino arrives.

2. Starting this new adventure - I can't wait to see what this adventure brings us - Daddy B and I are hoping to incorporate baby flawlessly into our lives - now I have a discussion with a friend who is due two weeks after me all the time - and we believe we will be able to do this no problem -and oh boy I will try - one because I am stubborn and people lately have been "telling" me oh you won't want to do or go here or there and ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! Am I naive???? Maybe??? But I will try to incorporate baby into my life as much as possible.... We will see how this goes.

3. Wearing NORMAL shoes!!! OMGoodness - seriously I have been living in flip flops for awhile now  - I have some of the nicest summer sandals and I can not wear them because of my sausage feet - lol - a little selfish I know - but I am SO tired of the flip flops hahaha

4. Wearing my wedding set - Oh I miss my bling - LOL - I mean my Wal-mart $10 faux set does a pretty good job - I've had some people fooled well - but I just want my real diamonds - hahaha - I WILL NEVER judge a pregnant woman again that doesn't wear a ring - chances are she just can't!!!

5. Participating in EVERYTHING - again - just getting back into routine - I have fallen off the workout train (bad, I know that's one of my biggest regrets) however I was so sick for so long (just colds) and so exhausted I just stopped - oops :-( , even lately with the SPD - walking is getting tough - even a few blocks, or a 30 min shopping trip - I pay for it later..... 

6. Sleep - oh wait - that won't happen - darn - maybe in 18 years????? LOL at least I will have company instead of an iPad or TV

7. Food - Sushi- full on "real" sushi - none of this trying to satisfy my craving with veggie sushi or cooked prawns - Sashimi, and raw fish - mmmm I CAN'T WAIT - oh and Medium Rare Steak!! Bring on the pink lol - oh and Wine - I do intend on breastfeeding - but I can not wait for that yummy glass of wine - whenever it will be - at least I know it's closer than 9 months away!!!

8. Being comfortable - just the achey, swelling, soreness - I am not a big complainer - but this aching and soreness in general drives me nuts - I am hoping to sleep comfortably again - even if they are for short spurts at a time when bambino arrives - just looking at being able to get up normally again - and not rolling over and pushing myself up - and walking like I am about 60 years older than I really am - comfort - bring it on!! 

Well I will stop - LOL - I am sure there are more reasons in both categories - however those are the ones that "stand" out!!!

Well again - pretty sure we are ready for bambino - I think - um I may have had my first "mommy oops" so the nesting has started (I think) lol - so yesterday I decided to wash everything for baby - followed all directions to a "T" and um - baby clothes shrink........ there are some things  I have - especially the onesies - and they seem to be even the size for a doll now - I have no idea what went wrong - I cold water washed everything and tumble dried everything on low - just like all the tags told me.. so I think I need to pickup a few more things and I guess just buy all 3 mth+ because newborn stuff looks super itty bitty..... so maybe a couple things and whatever we will figure it out when we know when baby shows up - I am sure what I have will be enough?? I hope lol

Well I think I will leave it off at that - hoping to do another update- but not promising anything - hope everyone is doing well - stay strong and enjoy summer!!!!