Thursday, 21 August 2014

The whoas of an infertile

Sitting around praying for your period to show up so that you can start your protocol for FET………

Friday, 16 May 2014

It's been awhile………….

WOW - life is BUSY with a baby!!! Our little man is almost 9 months old and is truly the best! He is very go go go go - I love watching him discover things and explore - we laugh daily - I knew I would enjoy motherhood - but who knew it would be this much! Sure I am downright exhausted some days -but I wouldn't change a thing!!

We have made the decision to keep our embryos in Cancun -  just because transferring them is not the simple quick process I thought it would be - so its a good excuse for a vacation - we will be returning in the fall to try again! Now the question is how many to transfer! Originally thinking that our embryos would be in Calgary and it would be a easy enough trip we decided we would only do one at a time - because it would be easy and cheap enough to go back and try again - but now that we are retuning to Mexico - we are torn if we do two or just one and pray that it sticks - so many thoughts and decisions - two - what if its twins ? one - what if it doesn't take? so thats where we are now - trying to firm up dates with the clinic and decide how many to transfer…….

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Little Man is 20 weeks today!!!

WOWowow time FLIES - our little monkey is 20 weeks today - life is great - our days get away on us having so much fun together - even when he is having a little melt down and I have tried everything to make him happy - when he gives me his cheeky little grin its pretty hard to be mad or upset with the monkey!!!

Things are well - slowly getting myself to working out again - the recovery from my c-section did not help with getting on the train.

I have wanted to become pregnant again since Alexander was pretty new - so we haven't been preventing it from happening -nothing yet!

However we have made the decision to move our embryo's from Cancun to the clinic in Calgary so we are just awaiting our referral and start the train - I think it will be fairly simple, I found a company in the states that specializes in this - so I am hoping its as easy as I think I have "researched" it to be - so its a waiting game and if nature doesn't play its course I am hoping we will be able to do an FET this summer !!

I will keep you all updated!!

Trying not to be taken away by the wind today - record breaking gusts recorded this morning 120km/hr - what a winter we are having!!!!