Friday, 20 February 2015

The dreaded 2ww............has now come to an end

Well - transfer done, vaginal tic tacs taken - estrace continued along with vitamins - read into every symptom, feeling, twing and twitch. 

I started taking hpt's on Wednesday, February 18 - a day earlier than scheduled beta = BFN 

February 19 - scheduled beta waiting, waiting by the phone - took another hpt= BFN 

Febraury 20 - another hpt - another BFN - called my G.P. - away on vacation - luckily her partner talked to me and confirmed a negative beta 

I am sad - I really was convinced this cycle worked. 
So we are back to square one like October / what do we do?
I contacted the clinic - I can do another cycle within the next month- im waiting for a couple more answers from my doctor - we will see what he says and we will make a decision from there. 

A huge part of me wants to get on that plane ASAP and do another cycle - but I'm also wondering what's best for my body. 

So many questions, here I come Dr. Google 

Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts 

Till next time  


  1. aww so sorry this cycle wasn't successful! Id I were to ever go back to Mexico for IVF (which I probably won') I would like to try a natural cycle...

    sending you positive thoughts as you decide what to do next

  2. I'm sorry for the BFN, they are never easy and its truthfully a cruel joke that the medication mimics pregnancy symptoms. I am going to continue to follow your "adventure" as I will lovingly call it. I am going to keep my fingers crossed that next cycle is THE cycle!

  3. Thanks ladies - will keep you posted
