Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Two months old and I love being a mom!

Wow - where does time go - our little man is already two months old!!! Just a quick hello- I am still trekking to the hospital once a week for my incision we are just about done - it is just BARELY open - so hoping this is the last week!
and well I LOVE being a mom - I could seriously take the whole day and just stare at Alexander - of course I am biased but he is perfect!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

A WHIRLWIND almost two months!!!!! (long long update)

Wow where to start - so much has happened in the last month and a bit - most importantly the arrival of our SON!!! Alexander Jozef was born August 28, 2013 at 8:29 p.m. arriving in at 6 lbs 9 oz and 19.5 inches!!! Now there is quite the story with his arrival, so let's start!!

So as you all know I had an ultrasound on August 09 because he was measuring small - so we had a follow up ultrasound on August 23 - now it was a different ultrasound because of a few different things a) it took super long - it took the tech over an hour and a half to complete it b) she kept on asking me to hold my breath - breath quickly etc. c) when it was done she was gone checking with the dr. for about 15/20 mins

So upon the completion of my u/s I had asked the tech if my dr. would have the results that day because he had asked me to check with them if they would send them right away and she said he probably would - so when she finally got back to the room - now normally the tech's are not suppose to say anything to the patient - however this tech proceeded to ask me " Are you on your way to the hospital to be induced" well my response was - "well I guess that really depends what you found today" she responded to me "well the dr. is completing the report right now and is faxing it over to your dr. right away" so in that instant I knew something was up. So before I left the parking lot I called my Dr. well they hadn't received the fax yet - and they said well that's not something they should have said to you on a Friday at 3:30 p.m - duh I figured that out!! So I called my DH and we decided not to read into anything really until we heard from the dr. well - he called my house instead of my cell and left me a message (I missed the phone call by literally 2 mins) and he said "Hi "M" its Dr. B - we received the results from you u/s and there is nothing extremely worrisome, so have a good weekend and I will call you on Monday" Ok - WTF nothing extremely worrisome?  obviously there is something up - so I really did not try to stress over the weekend but its obviously on the back of your mind after going through something like that. So the dr. called on Monday and said well the concerning thing is that the umbilical cord is around the baby neck - but to make sure things are ok we will send you for a NST (non stress test) what day of the week works better - well I said the sooner the better, as my due date is Wednesday so let's get the ball rolling I will make any day work. So I got a call that evening to come to the hospital the next morning at 9 a.m. and that the test would take 20-60 mins. I went to the hospital the following morning and well my NST lasted 4.5 hours and included a bedside ultrasound that lasted an hour - turned out our little man was having depressions in his oxygen levels when he had movements. So the doctor sent me home in the early afternoon and asked me to come back the next morning for another NST. 
So fast forward to the next morning (my due date) August 28 - we got to the hospital - hooked up to the NST machine - and within 1.5 hours the dr. on call had told us- well your having a baby today, your not leaving the hospital without a baby - Ok HOLY $h!t this is happening -well at least the baby is coming on its due date - so DH called work and said - well I need more than the morning off - I am having a baby so I'll keep in touch - he went home to get our stuff - because we didn't bring anything with us - and we called our parents & siblings. 
At 11 a.m. I was 3cm dilated and the doctor swept my membranes to get things going - they also tried to induce labour by putting me on oxytocin - well time went on and the most I ever got was some cramps - they played with the oxytocin - raising the amount and then decreasing it - well then they finally took me off the oxytocin -and the cramps disappeared - so through the afternoon - the on call doctor said - you will probably end up delivering via c-section because the depressions are continuing to occur. OK - baby by dinner is what we were told- well 5:30 rolls around - I am no longer on the oxytocin - the cramps have disappeared and I am still 3 cm dilated. So now the evening dr comes in my room (he is actually my OB's partner) and says "Ok M, here are your choices, we can continue to induce your labour and break your water and attempt to push, but there is a 50% chance you will have a c-section.....well lets change that to 75% chance of a c-section after labouring or you can just choose to have a c-section" well I looked at my DH and I knew our choice - C-section - I said to the dr. "Well we are almost four years into our journey to have a baby and about $30g  into it - so I really don't want to have a risky delivery, so lets just do a c-section" The dr. said ok - I have a quick surgery to do and then we will have you in OR by 7:30 to prep and then the baby will be here. So we called the parents (who had left earlier) and let them know what the plan was along with our siblings. 
So this show is on the road - slightly nervous and slightly excited. 
So speed up - in the OR - all prepped - things are moving along I had my spinal, DH is now in the OR with me, dr's are doing their thing - the nurse stops the dr - comes behind the curtain and asks DH if he wants to call the sex of the baby (as we did not know) and DH said yes - so out came baby - DH stands up - and announces its a boy!!! YAH - omg ( I hazily remember this, turns out I was pretty drugged up) and then they look - holy $h!t the cord was around his neck FOUR yes FOUR times - the dr. looked at my DH and said good call on the c-section - because $h!t would have hit the fan and we would have rushed into emerg to do this delivery.
I don't really remember much after this - I remember them asking DH to take the baby out of OR while they put me back together... 

So finally after all these years I finally had my baby in my arms - BEST FEELING EVER!!!!
Night one was a bit rough - I was sick from im guessing the drugs - so I had a few visits with the bowl (as I was in bed and walking to the bathroom made it worse) we didn't sleep much that night- DH kept getting up to make sure baby was breathing - new parents huh? He was fine lol.

We spent a total of four days at the hospital - night two - $h!t hit the fan - Alexander was put on the light as he had slight jaundice - and I had a hematoma *WARNING TMI NEXT*  (collection of blood in my incision and it burst - literally squirting out) so needless to say it was quite the sleepless night - of worry about Alexander and his poor little light machine which was such a pain in the a$$ and dealing with my incision -

Well the next few days went along - we tried breastfeeding which wasn't working too well so we were supplementing - had our visitors and figuring life out as parents - we got to go home on Saturday and started our lives.

The next week went by alright - on the following Thursday (8 days post delivery) I had an appointment to have my staples removed as they left them in because of my hematoma. Well we couldn't have them removed - I guess the bruise I had earlier in the week - which I thought was a good thing because wouldn't one think bruising = healing? Well I guess not in my case - I had a massive collection of blood in my incision and my OB's office did not have what he needed to deal with it in the office - so the next day we went to the hospital - we had to go to emerg for a 2 p.m. appointment - well by 5 p.m. we were still waiting in emerg to see the OB - we finally got in - staples removed **TMI WARNING*** my incision split open and I had a massive collection of blood within it - it was sorta like jello is the best description - and the OB literally removed it by handfuls - it was pretty gross, but thats why we didn't heal - well needless to say the next three weeks of my life was soon to become a gong show - starting that evening - I had homecare nurses coming to our home twice a day to change my dressings. Then the next week - I was back at the hospital four times to be assessed to have something called a wound vac placed on my incision to help with the healing. Finally on the Wednesday - homecare placed in my wound vac - this is to help healing up by 70% 

So the wound vac was great - it reduced my visits with nurses from 14 times a week to 3 times a week, however I became an ambulatory patient (I had to go to their clinic office) so I had to go to the hospital Monday/Wednesday/Fridays and each appointment took about 30mins to change the foam that was placed in my incision- well Alexander has gotten to know his babcia (grandma in polish) very well - she thankfully would come to the house so I wouldn't have to pack up Alexander to the hospital for all the appointments. I had the wound vac for a total of 19 days - my body did very well with it - at first they were saying I might have it for up to ten weeks - so 19 days is much better! They removed the vac but I still have to go to the hospital because my incision isn't completely closed, but we are also down to just one appointment a week there so yahoo!!!! One centimeter to go and I'm done!! It's been a pain in the a$$ but it's been worth it - I just will know for next time if we decide to have a c-section with baby #2 that if I have a bruise I'm instantly going to see my OB - 

I've had my 6 week checkup so I have clearance to slowly return to normal activity working out etc. so that's a good thing - time to get back to pre baby shape!! We also talked about getting pregnant again - ideally dr would like us to wait till Alexander is 9 months old to try again, a minimum of him being three months before trying - our original plan was to try again when Alexander is 6/7 months - so I'm meeting my OB I'm the middle - lol - we will see if we actually try that soon!!! 

Alexander is an AMAZING baby - thank goodness - they say however active the baby is in womb that's how they will be in person - and well he was a pretty chill baby in womb and well wouldn't you know it he is such a chill baby in person! I could spend all day staring and cuddling him - it's amazing how much love you feel for your baby so quickly! I LOVE LOVE parenthood so far - what they say about enjoying it because it goes by fast is true - he is already 7 weeks old today, it honestly seems like I just had him yesterday. 

So other than my healing process things have been pretty great - the hardest thing (even harder than dealing with my incision) I would say is breastfeeding. We unfortunately are formula feeding. I gave it a good shot, three lactation consultants, hours of attempts with a screaming baby and a crying mother - he had a poor poor latch, oh did we try but he would just fight and turn beet red in anger attempting to feed, so I had made a very difficult decision to formula feed. I did try to pump and feed him EBM but with all my appointments, it made it too hard to keep up, so after many tears we decided to exclusively formula feed. It was hard but in the end it was the best decision for us and our situation, both baby and mama are much much happier and much less anxious at feeding time - you will as a parent figure out what is best for your baby and you and your lifestyle. 

So life is great, it's busy - I now get it. I now get how friends with kids would be late or cancel plans, I now get how to enjoy a quick shower every second day or third day lol - things I never understood until I had a little person solely depend on me for everything !! 

I do hope to continue to update this blog - its a great journal of our journey. However it's taken me over a month to write this update, so they may be few and far between!! 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bittersweet, somber type anniversary.......and more updates!

Well I knew I wanted to write about this since DH brought it up the other week to me. So reflecting on our up coming life change, my DH asked me to look at my calendar from last year as he figured - hey hasn't it been a year since our first IVF attempt? Well lo and behold it was a year to the date that he brought it up that we were in the process of treatment with IVF #1 ....

Now I have mentioned before how I felt this IVF attempt the second time was a type of "sign" and in sorts of "divine intervention" well TO THE DATE my due date (August 28) is EXACTLY to the date of my "WTF" appointment with the clinic in Edmonton after our failed cycle. How weird right?!

I think its funny how things work out but obviously this was all meant to be, and in just a week or less (HOPEFULLY) we will be meeting bambino/bambina and PLEASE come sooner than a week - I AM SO SO READY lol.....

Today I had my first stranger pregnancy experience so to say - I was picking up a birthday gift for my niece and the cashier looked at me and said "Your about to pop any day aren't you?" I said well yes in a week - her response " Yah I can tell - your going to pop" UMMMMMMM LMFAO....I have not had any stranger say anything to me in 9 months until today - I had to laugh and I called my DH right away to tell him.....

Update - this one I meant to write yesterday (I think I even said it would be a double entry day - well fail on my part!!!!)

I had an ultrasound two weeks ago - because my fundal height has been measuring 4 weeks behind consistently since my 32 week checkup. Well baby seems to be fine - Dr is not worried - but half of the baby I guess to say is not measuring to date - I know ultrasounds aren't always 100% accurate, but our babies femur and stomach is measuring at about 32 and 33 weeks (I don't remember the exact number) but this was August 09 - so due to the measurements that were taken - I go for another ultrasound on Friday just to double check. Now the dr. said that if he felt baby or myself were in danger they would induce me - but it doesn't seem to be the case - since he wasn't in a rush to do the follow up ultrasound.... Heck I'd love to be induced early lol - but whatever is best for the baby and the dr. said the babies bio-physical score (happiness score as he referred to) is 8/8 which means baby has space, is active, is receiving enough oxygen etc. so I am not worried - of course I used stupid Dr. Google and it stated that a small femur or stomach measurement could be a soft marker for downs' syndrome, now again not worried because my NT scans and tests came back fine - but again nothing is 100% correct right? I am not stressing - I am just praying for a healthy baby - of course we will love the baby no matter what -  I am just hoping that everything truly is ok - and that in all aspects we are just having a small baby (easier delivery?!?!!)

Well that really is what I wanted to update - next OB appointment is Thursday afternoon and ultrasound on Friday - and here is to hoping I will have a baby before I decide to do another update!!!


Monday, 19 August 2013

Single digits - come anytime now little one.........

Well 9 days till my due date - and I am ready - well as ready as I will ever be - I am just ready to meet this one - and I am just done - don't get me wrong I have enjoyed my pregnancy so much - I am just done.... We installed the car seat last night into the car and got our bag packed and the diaper bag packed - so we can just grab and go....

Oh the car seat  - that was quite the event - my husband thinks the seat is too straight up - I thought the base was too loose, we googled, youtube'd, read and re-read the directions about three times each- so we settled on installing it with the clips and securing it extra with the seat belt - seemed to fix the "looseness" of the base.... There is a car seat safety course this upcoming Wednesday night at St. John's but it's two hours long - we have it installed we just want to make sure its done properly - I am going to see if they can just check it quickly for us - and because of the time it took us to install this one - we are definitely buying another base for DH's truck because there is no way that is happening each time we decide to take another vehicle....

Now we wait- I am drinking my tea and eating my pineapple, had a spicy dinner Saturday night and not even a kick from baby - but we like spicy foods so I have been eating them through my pregnancy - so I guess we will just keep trying all the "methods" to induce the arrival of this bambino/bambina

Till next time ! (which is right away ;-))


Thursday, 1 August 2013

Last Day of work..............weird ??!!?!

Who would ever think that my last day of work would be because I am going on maternity leave......Well my day has FINALLY arrived after all these years, I am done work because I am going to have a baby - wow - bittersweet - I know I will miss my routine of work and the socialization, but its to start the most important journey of my life - raising our bambino/bambina - this makes it all even more so real - not that it wasn't but this is a bigger brick wall hahaha.... just a quick thought - there are some things to update but I will do that next week :-)

Monday, 22 July 2013

5 weeks to go - getting ready......

Well I must apologize- its been quite a while since I have updated - but time is just going by SOOOO fast!

Things have been going fairly smooth still - the tiredness has definetly returned, but I've also been told I have something called "symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)" it is basically stretching of the ligaments that hold my pubic bone together - it is essentially my birth canal widening preparing for the baby arrival - but boy oh boy it's painful - there are days it's hurts so bad to walk, I feel like I will collapse.
Nothing really seems to help, so I just need to remember to take it easy and not push myself too much.

All in all this has been a great pregnancy - I am almost sad that it is nearing to the end....I thought I would make a list of things that I think I will miss and a list of things I can't wait to do after bambino is born, so here we go


1. Feeling bambino move around in my belly - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this feeling - I wish bambino would move more often, he/she is pretty chill - but it is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced - such an amazing feeling, and one of the things I love most about pregnancy.

2. My belly - I've been lucky (no stretch marks - I hope to God this doesn't jinx me lol) It has been so neat watching my belly grow - I also think its semi-cute hahaah - I always thought I'd BALLLOON when I got pregnant - but I have been again lucky - and think I rock a pretty cute bump hahaha

3. Eating cravings without guilt! I've been pretty good- but when the urge strikes I don't have ANY regret in indulging lol

I think those are the biggest things that come to my mind at first - NOW the things I am looking forward to - I already know this list will be WAY bigger!!!!


 1. MEETING BAMBINO - oh I am so looking forward to this! To finally meet this little person who has been living with me for 9 months - after all our years of anticipation - its almost here!!! A little nerving - it really hits me when I see other newborns - I get an overwhelming thought of OMG I am responsible for that little human in a month - for EVERYTHING he/she will depend on me - food, clothes, cleanliness EVERYTHING - but that's ok -- I am hoping this parenting instinct kick in when bambino arrives.

2. Starting this new adventure - I can't wait to see what this adventure brings us - Daddy B and I are hoping to incorporate baby flawlessly into our lives - now I have a discussion with a friend who is due two weeks after me all the time - and we believe we will be able to do this no problem -and oh boy I will try - one because I am stubborn and people lately have been "telling" me oh you won't want to do or go here or there and ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! Am I naive???? Maybe??? But I will try to incorporate baby into my life as much as possible.... We will see how this goes.

3. Wearing NORMAL shoes!!! OMGoodness - seriously I have been living in flip flops for awhile now  - I have some of the nicest summer sandals and I can not wear them because of my sausage feet - lol - a little selfish I know - but I am SO tired of the flip flops hahaha

4. Wearing my wedding set - Oh I miss my bling - LOL - I mean my Wal-mart $10 faux set does a pretty good job - I've had some people fooled well - but I just want my real diamonds - hahaha - I WILL NEVER judge a pregnant woman again that doesn't wear a ring - chances are she just can't!!!

5. Participating in EVERYTHING - again - just getting back into routine - I have fallen off the workout train (bad, I know that's one of my biggest regrets) however I was so sick for so long (just colds) and so exhausted I just stopped - oops :-( , even lately with the SPD - walking is getting tough - even a few blocks, or a 30 min shopping trip - I pay for it later..... 

6. Sleep - oh wait - that won't happen - darn - maybe in 18 years????? LOL at least I will have company instead of an iPad or TV

7. Food - Sushi- full on "real" sushi - none of this trying to satisfy my craving with veggie sushi or cooked prawns - Sashimi, and raw fish - mmmm I CAN'T WAIT - oh and Medium Rare Steak!! Bring on the pink lol - oh and Wine - I do intend on breastfeeding - but I can not wait for that yummy glass of wine - whenever it will be - at least I know it's closer than 9 months away!!!

8. Being comfortable - just the achey, swelling, soreness - I am not a big complainer - but this aching and soreness in general drives me nuts - I am hoping to sleep comfortably again - even if they are for short spurts at a time when bambino arrives - just looking at being able to get up normally again - and not rolling over and pushing myself up - and walking like I am about 60 years older than I really am - comfort - bring it on!! 

Well I will stop - LOL - I am sure there are more reasons in both categories - however those are the ones that "stand" out!!!

Well again - pretty sure we are ready for bambino - I think - um I may have had my first "mommy oops" so the nesting has started (I think) lol - so yesterday I decided to wash everything for baby - followed all directions to a "T" and um - baby clothes shrink........ there are some things  I have - especially the onesies - and they seem to be even the size for a doll now - I have no idea what went wrong - I cold water washed everything and tumble dried everything on low - just like all the tags told me.. so I think I need to pickup a few more things and I guess just buy all 3 mth+ because newborn stuff looks super itty bitty..... so maybe a couple things and whatever we will figure it out when we know when baby shows up - I am sure what I have will be enough?? I hope lol

Well I think I will leave it off at that - hoping to do another update- but not promising anything - hope everyone is doing well - stay strong and enjoy summer!!!!


Monday, 3 June 2013

Third Trimester, 11weeks 2 days LEFT

Wow - well time has flown by again!! Where to start - what to write.....Things have been pretty smooth sailing still...Nothing major to update or write about really - baby is definitely moving around more, its so cool to feel, but at the same time it's creepy in the sense of knowing, thats a little human being moving around me - how gremlin"ish" hahahaha......

I have decided that whatever I have bought is good enough - we will figure out the rest once bambino gets here - the only thing missing we need to get is the car seat - we have it narrowed down to the Peg Pregero and the Graco Snugride 35- so we are "testing" them to see if they fit in our car this weekend - and hopefully make the purchase and than we are finito!! I am sure I am missing something - but like I said we will figure it out when we get there....

We still once in a while toss back and forth about finding out the sex, but we are so close now - really what is the point?!!?
We have our 3D ultrasound coming up on Friday - I am very excited to see the baby again :-) We are pretty lucky to have that sort of technology now a days to be able to see bambino :-)

I've been doing pretty good in general - the tiredness has returned with vengeance!!! But that's ok I'll take all the sleep I can get for the next 11'ish weeks! However the swelling has commenced! In my feet - usually the days that I am at work - and my hands slightly - I can not wear my wedding set most days (MAJOR TEARS) so I have resorted to wearing my $8 wal-mart ring hahaha- its actually pretty realistic looking - but I am sure those days will be short lived also.....
My lower back and hips have been bothering me too the last four weeks'ish' also - but I have added a chiropractor to my mix of people I see - and OMG why did I wait so many years to try it - she is AMAZING -

Well I will leave off with my 27 week bump picture, hope everyone's journey's are going well no matter what portion of your journey you are on - XO

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Saturday, 20 April 2013

21w3d - 8 inch, 1 lbs!!! More than halfway there

WOW! Where does time go???? We are more than halfway done baking this little bambino and things have been going great! Well with the exception of a constant cold (seriously I have been sick since October, aggghh) but if that is all I have to deal with I will take it (however it completely drains me!)

Baby has been growing steadily and moves more and more each day! In fact the other day DH felt it!! Coolest feeling ever :-) I am glad he can feel the baby now, I have been getting all the little flutters, but definitely more movement is happening!! It feels weird, but its so neat at the same time! Haven't seen the tummy move yet - but its coming!!!

We have bought all the major baby things with the exception of the car seat, I bought the stroller system today because it was on sale - not a major sale - but it was 10% off - so anywhere we can save money even if its only 50/60$ I'll take the savings!

I have made a to buy list and a registry list - there is a store here in Edmonton that is only open Saturdays, and I attempted to start it today but I was wayyyyy too overwhelmed! So I need DH off on a Saturday so we can do it together..

A little tiny itty part of me wants to find out what we are having now - I have a second anatomy scan on Monday as they couldn't get all the measurements they needed the first time, and also have a 3D scan booked for the beginning of June - where we can also find out. But its a very "I don't know what to do" situation. I want the surprise at the delivery of hearing "It's a XXX" but trying to create these registries would just make some things easier to pick as we could pick specific colours (first world problems right??!!!) I am sure I will continue with not knowing - really there are just over 18 weeks to go!

The nightmares have stopped!! YAAAHHHH well for the most part - I haven't had one in a few weeks , but had one this morning - so I am saying they are done for the major part  - no more nightly ones - yah!!!

We will keep trekking along - still praying for spring to show up here in Edmonton.

Monday, 1 April 2013

18w 5d (My little Mango) A sign on things to come? Stubborn Bambino

Well we had our 18-20 week ultrasound this morning, and a sign of things to come? Stubborn like mom and dad to be? Bambino didn't co-operate was facing my back the whole time again - so they were not able to capture everything they needed to - so I have to return for another ultrasound in three weeks (ok with me! I get to see the little one again!!!)

We have chosen NOT to find out - however at one point the tech who the whole time said baby stated "well he likes that position" hmmmmmm is a " :-( " needed?? Did she spill the beans???? I don't know and of course won't until bambino comes (hopefully!!) Good little heartbeat of 144.

Things have still been going well - still SUPER DUPER tired, and my nightly insomnia is NOT helping. I can lay awake nightly from anywhere from 1-4 hours - and NOTHING helps me fall back asleep :-( It's ok for the days I don't work - as I can nap - but for the days that I work - it makes for a super long exhausting day.
I have also been having some very intense, vivid dreams. And not fun celebratory ones, NIGHTMARES :-( these dreams are just awful - I am witnessing murders, and most recently kidnapping (of my dogs, but still it was someone in my house stealing them) something I will be bringing up at my OB appointment next week, he might think I am a bit coo-coo though, lol.

Other than that not too much else happening - we have set up the crib, the mattress arrived, along with the pack and play and we ordered our rocker/glider on Sunday. So we almost have the nursery ready, I just need a bookshelf of some sort - and then buy the bedding and I think I am ready?? I haven't purchased specific baby items yet - I will wait till June/July'ish for that - I need something to do later!!!

Definitely getting a "distinct" bump now - I have had one for awhile, but its changed "shape" sound weird? But I think it has - maybe pointier? Whatever has happened has definitely made the way I fit my maternity pants different - they seem to constantly fall down.....

Haven't had any "distinct" feelings of kicking yet - but I think if baby is facing my back that has something to do with it - I was reading that facing backwards is the perfect position for delivering, but NOT YET !!!! LOL - and that this is probably why I don't feel baby kicking too much, hopefully it will decide to turnover SOOON!!!!

Well till next time. XO
Here is bambinos foot.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

15 weeks - Hello our Avocado

Wow I can not believe its been 6 weeks since I have written. Time is flying by quickly!!!
Well everything is going very smoothly for us (yeah,fingers crossed - I told my doctor it is my reward for all our years of heartbreak)
Not too much to write about but I figured I would do an update so I keep up with this.....

At 12 weeks I swear I felt the quickest little flutter - and I am going with that!!! It was the most unique, amazing feeling EVER!!! I know its quite early - but I asked the Dr. and it is possible - so lets go with that :-)

We had decided to do an NT scan - and we did it at 13 weeks, 1 day - finally got the results today (only because I have ANOTHER cold and had to see my doctor today) It was so cool!! We actually saw a little person -  it made it quite real - along with hearing the heartbeat (something we didn't hear at the previous ultrasound) we both definitely cried at this ultrasound - amazing to see a little human just growing away in you - our little bambino was a sleepy head though!!!! Just because I am who I am - I harassed him (we don't know what it is - however we have only ever referred to it as him  - that's what we think we are having a mini Blair lol) and it worked for about 5 seconds - he moved his fingers up to his face and his legs and then right back to sleep!! It was so so neat to see it move!!! I will be eating some sugar before my next ultrasound on April 01 though - I want to see this bambino squirm!!!! So today I found out from my doctor baby is measuring ahead- and not by a day or two - but a week - he measured 14w 1 day - so it will be interesting what it measures at the next appointment!!!

Other than that not too much!!! We have been researching strollers, car seats and that's about it - We have decided on a City Select and are stuck on a car seat - however leaning towards a Peg Preggo -
Babies cost money before they even come!!! We have slowly started buying items - we have purchased a crib and a change mat to put on the dresser...
Slowly starting to clean out the room that will be the nursery!! So things are slowly moving along - but really 25 weeks from today we will be meeting bambino it he/she decides to arrive on time! Many decisions to make but we are loving the process - we figure make one "bigger" purchase a month and then we will be ready!

Until next time XO

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

9 weeks 5 days - Hello little Prune (1.5" long)

Well it has been awhile since our last post - not really much to update!! Trying to figure out all the decisions we need to make over the next 6ish months! Surprisingly there is lots - where to deliver, what OB to be referred to, baby equipments, names etc. And I am sure the time will fly - we are almost done the first trimester, here I have barely blinked and it's almost over!!

Still feeling pretty good - knock on wood I haven't really had many symptoms. The nausea comes and goes in waves, I just eat a little bit and it helps. I am still quite tired - but hopefully that ends soon!

The last week and a bit I feel like a bit of a blob - just not comfortable in a lot of my clothes - seems like I have bloated a bit - some jeans are getting a bit tighter but that's about it - I may have to make my first purchase of the pregnancy (other than a book or two) and get a belly band and see if it helps..

This pregnancy hasn't "hit" me yet - very odd but I am sure it will soon. From what I have read its quite common for women who have struggled with IF and gone through IVF to feel the way I am - I have had lots of support from my DH and on line support group and nice to know that I am not the only one experiencing such feelings. I have also had some crazy dreams - but again nice to know I am not the only one going through them!!

One of the girls this morning mentioned I have the tiniest little belly happening - again I haven't noticed but I look everyday and that's probably why - lol - all with time is what I keep telling myself!

We have our next pre-natal appointment on February 22 and also our NT scan that day - again we will blink and it will be here - four weeks away!!!And so - until then probably keep warm in this COLD COLD Alberta winter!!!


Sunday, 13 January 2013

First ultrasound

Well we went for an ultrasound on Friday to date our pregnancy and find out how many bambinos are growing AND........ We have one healthy looking bean (literally) measuring right to date 7weeks 1 day, 10.33mm long with a heartbeat of 153.

Very exciting and praying now for a healthy pregnancy and things keep going on track!!

According to our what to expect when expecting app he/she is the size of a raspberry this week.
Still just feeling tired and eating everything! Not as much as the last couple weeks but definetly have a healthy appetite.

Still no aversions, however at the office Thursday someone made popcorn and there is a lady about ten weeks ahead of me and she came in my office and said "oooo that popcorn smells good" while here I am sitting thinking "oh no it stinks"(tears)
I sure hope it's not an aversion developing because I <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-popcorn........="">
Other than that I'm back at work, things are going well getting back into the groove of things. I would hit a wall at about 2:30 daily (usual nap time) but I got through it - I am sure once I get back into routine it will get easier, but I'm definitely going to bed earlier because the lack of my afternoon nap!!!

No other changes! Till next time


Friday, 4 January 2013

6 weeks, 1 day 0 - Baby is a size of a blueberry

Hi Everyone!

Well we are just past our 6 week mark, still very surreal! I have been doing nothing but sleeping and eating, I am exhausted all the time, no matter how much sleep and or fresh air/walking I get in - and eat, I can eat all the time - gotta get back on that treadmill part time (lol) to help out with my calorie intake.....

In one week we will have our ultrasound - still cautiously optimistic and praying for the best, good chance we may hear a heartbeat (or two!)

Until then!!